You have successfully subscribed/registered to the Boys to Men of God Community Fellowship. Congratulations and welcome! You are on the list and will be receiving emails from us. Reminder: The location for the meetings will be disclosed 24 hours prior to the event. We will notify you by way of email.
Would you like to help us defray some of our monthly operating costs including: insurance, counselors, food, guest speakers, travel, accommodations, marketing and advertising fees? If so, please give us a one time donation of any amount you'd like by selecting "One Time Donation" button on this page.
To partner with us or to become a member, please go to our "Become a Member" page for the different membership options. All donations, memberships and gifts are tax-deductible.
We can't wait to meet you!
John Redmon
Boys to Men of God Community Fellowship
ONE-TIME Donation
Give the amount you desire. Any amount is greatly appreciated. Tax-deductible.